my life journey

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

a day

almost a day without my lappy
that was my face

but also this

succeed to fill my day with


listening to music

and sleeping as well..hehehe
tp idokler the whole day...(sy bukannye ratu tido..kikikih)

sblm ni punye la susah duk fikir bile nk berpisah dgn lappy utk diformat
tp stlh ade sth wrong dgn lappy last nite...blh aje..hahaha
and alang2 trus format
so it's new face now
sound good huh?
i like it new!hehe

thanks kpd sesapa yg berkenaan dlm menjayakn misi ini
thanks a lot to u
though troubling(kinda..huhu)

milo=alpha waves?hmmmmm......;)


fais yusuf said...

aku sayang laptop aku! hehe

bebot said...

aku syg jugak lappy aku...hihihi~

skrg die dh free dr segala kesakitan&ke'snail'an...haha