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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

awan gebu bersama bulan bulat

amazing phenomenon yg berlaku pd hari ahad lepas bersamaan 13 Nov
siang hari
awan yg sgt3 gebu...rase mcm nk mkn je..arrrr...auuwwww
awan it was a very warm & hot day
the warmness that lead me to have headache that day..even until at night
tgk lah awan kat bwah ni
anda tak rase ia gebu ke?hihi
hmmm....betapa indahnya, halus dan berseninya ciptaan Allah Yang Maha Agung..segala puji-pujian hanyalah untuk-Nya

awan yg plg dekat tu mcm topi kan?kan? waahh...gebu giler..haha

malamnya pula
bulan bulat
mlm tu mlm ke-18
tp ia masih bulat..cantik! subhanallah..segala puji buat-Nya

can see it with my own eyes was such a memory to me and joyful..thanks for your effort still

 beberapa malam dpt tgk bulan yg bulat
teringatlah lagu mr.Bruno Mars - Talking to the Moon
memang dpt gambar ni nk buh lyric lgu ni pon..hehe

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too

*bukan stars light my lampu..haha~ hasil bekalan elektrik..kui3*
sgt suka melody lagu ni
walaupun lgu ni mcm sedih..
cuz he was alone waiting for his lover to come back to him..maybe she is with someone else or they separated and he don't know where she is but he wants her back
ceyh...terasa spt time blaja Intro to English Lit. dulu je..analysing poem..hihi~ (well...lyrics are part of poem)

stlh..hmm...a few days lost mood to update blog because of the exam..finally today i got it because today's paper wasn't that hard and i can answer it..thanks to Peter Roach for writing that very good references though sleepy when reading it..thanks my dear friend for that useful short notes..thanks to u too for your effort went to photocopy many things for me...and the person who keeps supporting me to study though sometimes did told me to sleep..haha
(eh! apasal ni...esok ade satu paper lg lah..aiyoo!!!!)
haaa!!!!now it's time to revise for tomorrow's paper and then we're done..can't wait for that..hihihi

# (gambar ihsan drpd -en egg-...thanks a lot for all these..your effort are much3 appreciated)


Nia Ridzwan said...

subhanallah! cantiknya awan macam gula kapas ^^

good luck untuk paper last esok ;)

bebot said...

haa!!....nk taip gula kapas lupe that word..hahak~ teruk betui!

thanks....kamu jugak ye adik nia..gambatte!!