my life journey

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


peace be upon u all~

what a day today
soooo.....delicious kek batik tu td..thanks McTie

went to McTie's house with Meera
been there from b4 12noon until b4 6 p.m.
lame x?hihi
what we did was
just talking + talking + talking + watching videos, photos + eating
that was so fun
even just being inside her house w/out going anywhere
but the time spent was worth it
lame x ckp2 mcm tu
talk about many things..and also topic on..haha..*only us understand..hihi
it was so good finding friends that are open-minded like that..can talk about many things..not only just about 'girly' stuff..and without any bad perception
liking it very much
hoping that we will have that kind of time again soon..hehe
waiting for some more experience tomorrow morning..hihi
spending this few days of left holidays b4 going back to 'paris'..haha

and td
McTie introduce me with the world of
kinda best
and opened an account..hehe
but not yet updating it
need some time too
and after knowing it..
i had develop a new hobby..not really a hobby la..just sth that i'll do when i'm bored..hihi
*i haven't following u yet Tie..later on k

and on my way back home after sending Meera
i was thinking about this phrase
just came to me out of blue
pelik btul la

"anything that turns out to be everything~~"

entah dr mane dtg idea tu
i'm trying to digest that seek for the hidden meaning

and td
came out with this
the photos downloaded from somewhere..the words..innovated from what i read and knew..hehe
enjoy it

same goes with
(this one downloaded)

p/s: waiting for tomorrow guys
p/s1: mampu ketemukah kita esk? (haha.. a big question mark)


nur izzati said...

wah! next time bole lg wt cenggini..satu je la..jgn plan awl2..sbb yg tu selalu mesti x jd..update psl hari ni..lg bez kot

bebot said...

hihihi...rileks lu..aku x edit ag gmbar utk diletakkn..hehe..smale mlas..