my life journey

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

i hate snake...

i hate snake
i used to like it
but now, i hate it
i don't know why
the feeling of hatred towards snake just come
i didn't ask for the feeling to come into me
i now have a snake phobia
also known as: ophidiophobia

to make things worst,...
i even can't look at snake's pictures
i become afraid suddenly
it is so eerie...
i just can't stand this feeling

last night...
i dream of a snake
i the one that have dangerous venom
i really hate it
i am afraid of it
i was almost being bite by that snake
but thanks God,...the dream suddenly just a dream
but the fear still exist until the real world 
that dream give me idea of my writing today  

i hope that i won't get this kind of dream again
if not,...
the fear of the dream will be continued in my real world
i don't want that to happen

i'm just hoping that the snake will not come to my life...
i want to have a life without ophidiophobia...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

salam ceria & duka

setelah lama aku tidak menge'post' di sini...kerana kemalasan & kesibukan yg melanda(actually bukan sibuk sgt pun...) 
kini kerajinan pun muncul...barangkali
walaupun kerajinan utk study baru 50% muncul
tu pun kadang timbul, kadang tenggelam
yang aku agak hairan
kerajinan sgt meluap2 utk melayan movies & menghabiskan masa dgn perkara yg sia2
ape la nk jadi

dgn intro yg sgt mengarut itu...
salam ceria &....duka semua
salam duka tu utk aku la..
sepanjang bln 9 & 10 ni byk kejadian yg tlh berlaku
antaranya yg mengguris hati smpi luka berdarah, hingga tinggal calar yg aku kira kalau guna Bio-Oil pun tak hilang
ada juga yg membuatkan hati berbunga2
ada yg menyerabutkan fikiran
tp semuanya aku hadapi dgn tabah
kerana itulah asam garam & rempah ratus kehidupan
tanpa serba sedikit dugaan & cabaran, it will going to be a very dull life
i don't wanna have a dull life
dugaan & cabaran menguatkan kita
tanda Allah s.w.t. sayang kpd kita
utk menguji iman kita
Alhamdulillah Ya Allah krn memberi dugaan ini kpdku

kini tinggal lbh kurang 3 minggu shj lagi final exam akan menjelma
but it seems that i really have to burn my midnight study lamp...instead of's modern world
as i can assume, i only did revised & studied for 20%
gotta revise a lot more
still don't now how to organize the time to study for 3 sems

and another 5 weeks to go home for raya haji holiday and sem holiday
before that gotta sit for the final exam first
than can enjoy the holiday to the fullest

tgh hari td...
stlh tidak berjumpa dgn roomate selama 2 hari
kiteorg berckp pasal our aim in the future
my aim:
- next sem nak bawak rice cooker
- cuti ni nk cari kerja part time
- simpan duit buat lesen memandu
- simpan duit utk beli any vehicles - motorcycle/car...more preferred car
begitulah angan2
moga tercapai
kalau lmbt pun, asalkan tercapai
kita perlu menetapka aim dlm hidup, kemudian berusaha da bertawakal utk mencapai aim tersebut...
tp kesabaran perlu ada
begitulah yg aku blh ckp kat sini

tangan dh malas nak menaip, otak dh malas nak fikir apa yg nak ditaip, so hati kata...dah2la tu...undur diri saja
then the reaction...jika kerajinan utk menge'post' muncul lg...
new post will be published
